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Fall Fish Stocking Sales

The District holds an annual Fall Fish Stocking Sale Fish Stocking Sale.  These sales are open to the public to purchase various types of freshwater fish species to stock for recreational and/or wildlife habitat improvement purposes.  Fish food and other items are also available during the sale. Please note: The District is not responsible for any mortality of stock which may occur during transport. Refunds will not be given for failure to pick up your fish on the designated pick-up day/time. If you cannot pick up your fish, you must make arrangements to have them picked up. We have no way to hold your fish. Size of fish subject to change dependent on growing season.



Order Deadline Thursday, TBD

Pickup Day: TBD

Pickup Location:





















The 2025 Fish Sale date has not been announced yet. Please follow our Facebook page for updates.    

Fish type availability and prices may change each sale, depending on season.  Payment for the fish orders are due prior to pickup.  Email questions at or call Drew Hoag, SWCD Technician, at (518) 708-7228.


The District is planning on offering this Spring:

Fathead Minnows by the pound;

Largemouth Bass, 4-6";

Channel Catfish, 4-6";

Bluegills, 3-5";

Rainbow Trout, 4-6";

Grass Carp, 10"+.


In addition:


*10 & 44 lb bags of Ziegler high quality fish food (1/8” diameter pellet);


*Dry pond colorant in water soluble packets, treats 1/3 acre (blue tint, shades sunlight to discourage algae);


*MacroZyme beneficial bacteria packets, treats 1/3 acre, (decomposes pond nutrients that feed algae); and


*40 lb bag barley pellets, treats 1/3 acre (inhibits new algae growth as it degrades).


Links to the most current NYC DEC Fish Stocking Permit Applications are provided below. If you would rather have a copy of the Order Form or Permit Application mailed to you, please contact the Rensselaer County SWCD today at: (518) 271-1740 Ext. 3.

The above photograph is of Saige Myers, local 4Her, picking up freshwater fish to stock the lake she  lives on in Rensselaer County.  

Large Mouth Bass

Largemouth Bass.jpg

Channel Catfish

Channel Catfish.jpg



Fathead Minnow

Fathead Minnow.jpg

Triploid Grass Carp



The Rensselaer County SWCD sells Blue Bird Nesting Boxes year round.

They can be purchased at our office for $14.00 each. 

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